
Rate limit

As chamadas das APIs para os endpoints POST, PATCH,PUT,DELETE possuem um rate limit de 100 requisições por segundo. Para os endpoints GET, HEAD e OPTIONS o rate limit é de 40 RPS. Caso esse limite seja atingido você receberá um retorno de um erro com HTTP status code 429.

Response de erro

Os erros listados abaixo são agrupados por contexto e pode ser apresentado em situações diversas. O erro contêm:

  • data: Informações adicionais.
  • error: Descrição do erro.
  • errorCode: Estes códigos e descrições do erro são listados abaixo conforme o contexto do produto (validações, Pix, Destination Bank Account...).
  • field: Informações adicionais.
  • message: Mensagem de erro.
  • statusCode: Código do erro.
  • path: Expressão JSONPath indicando qual atributo, elementos aninhados ou matrizes do documento JSON do payload causou o erro.

Exemplo de response:

  "data": {
    "maxLength": 8,
    "minLength": 7
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "errorCode": "DBA_6",
  "field": "account",
  "message": "Account is required and must have between 7 and 8 numbers (Agency: 0001 / Account: 111111 / Value: 10)",
  "statusCode": 400,
  "path": "$.transfers[0].destination_bank_account.account"

Destination Bank Account (DBA)

DBA_1Agency digit must be numeric or x
DBA_2Account digit is required and must be numeric or x
DBA_3Agency must be 1
DBA_4Agency is required and must contain a maximum of numbers
DBA_5Agency digit must be only 1 digit
DBA_6Account is required and must have a maximum of numbers
DBA_7Account is required and must have between and numbers
DBA_8Account digit is required and must be only 1 digit
DBA_9Account is required and must contain exactly numbers
DBA_10Invalid account type
DBA_11Account type 'Entidade pública' is only available for CNPJ
DBA_12Destination bank account document is not a CPF nor CNPJ
DBA_13Destination bank account document is blocked
DBA_14Bank(s) not found by id
DBA_15The Name must have at least 2 words
DBA_16The email must be valid
DBA_17Destination Bank Account cannot be edited when status is Pending Verification or Verified
DBA_18Destination Bank Account cannot be removed while having processing transfers
DBA_19Invalid agency digit
DBA_20Invalid account digit
DBA_21Invalid account
DBA_22Agency does not exist
DBA_23Document does not exist
DBA_24Informed document does not match with informed name
DBA_25Payload is required
DBA_26Invalid account. Account beginning is not valid
DBA_27Invalid legal document
DBA_28Invalid physical document
DBA_33Bank Code is required and must have a maximum of 3 numbers
DBA_34This banking institution is not eligible to receive payments
DBA_35The name must have at least 3 characters
DBA_36Bank ID must be a number
DBA_37The PIX key type is required
DBA_38The PIX key value is required
DBA_39The PIX key type is invalid
DBA_40The PIX key value is invalid for the key type
DBA_41Bank ISPB is required and must have exactly 8 numbers
DBA_42This banking institution is not eligible to receive payments
DBA_43This banking institution is only eligible to receive payments using Pix
DBA_44Destination Bank Account was provided with bank code and ISPB, please provide only one bank info
DBA_45Bank code or ISPB are required
DBA_46Destination Bank Account was provided with bank id and ISPB, please provide only one bank info
DBA_47This banking institution is only eligible to receive payments using TED/TEV


TRA_1Transfer value can not be R$0,00
TRA_2*Transfer value for this bank can not be greater than R$
TRA_3Wrong format of a transfer field content
TRA_4Payment date before current date
TRA_6TED schedules for today are allowed until 4:30PM
TRA_7You can not schedule a transfer after 30 days
TRA_8We process transfers only on business days, you need to change the date to a business day
TRA_9Wrong payment date format
TRA_10**You have payments that will be made on the next business day
TRA_11Duplicated integration id
TRA_12Destination bank account is removed
TRA_13Invalid payment method
TRA_14You cannot schedule a PIX payment with key
TRA_15Transfer value can not exceed 2 decimal places
TRA_16The length of the pix description cannot be longer than 140 characters
TRA_17The pix description cannot contain unsafe html tags
TRA_19Invalid idempotency key
TRA_20Transfer(s) with duplicated idempotency key (list of duplicated idempotency keys separated by comma)
TRA_21Invalid Pix copy and paste (emv)
TRA_22Unable to find Pix copy and paste (emv) data
TRA_23Invalid city code
TRA_24Pix copy and paste (emv) already paid
TRA_25Pix copy and paste (emv) removed by the receiver
TRA_26The entered amount differs from the charge amount
TRA_27Due date collection payments are not supported
TRA_28Expired Pix copy and paste (emv)
TRA_29Pix change and Pix withdraw are not supported
TRA_30The payer account limit has been exceeded for this transaction
TRA_31Recurrent payment cannot be updated to Pix copy and paste (emv)
TRA_32Expired payment


  • * Valor padrão de limite configurado na sua conta é de R$ 25.000,00, se precisar de mais limite contate a Transfeera pelo [email protected]
  • ** Esse é um erro do tipo alerta


BAT_1Your batch has no transfers, register transfers to close it.
BAT_3The batch type must be "TRANSFERENCIA" or "BOLETO".
BAT_4Invalid batch name.
BAT_5The current batch status does not allow updates. Changes are only allowed in the reconciled field
BAT_6The batch cannot have more than 10.000 payments (transfers/billets)
BAT_7*The batch amount is greater than the daily limit allowed (R$ )
BAT_8*Payments scheduled for the day DD/MM/YYYY are greater than the daily limit allowed (R$ )


* Caso queira consultar seu limite diário ou tenha a necessidade de aumentá-lo contate a Transfeera pelo [email protected]


STA_1Your balance is insufficient.
STA_2Enter the amount to withdraw.


SYS_1*An error has occurred


* Se este erro ocorrer, contate a Transfeera pelo [email protected].


BIL_1Processing hour outside allowed range, we process billets until 6:00pm
BIL_2Payment date can not be after due date
BIL_3Invalid barcode
BIL_4*Value greater than allowed
BIL_5Value not allowed
BIL_6Billet expired
BIL_7We process billets only on business days, you need to change the date to a business day
BIL_8Duplicated barcode
BIL_9Payment date is required
BIL_10Wrong format to payment date
BIL_11Payment date before current date
BIL_12Your batch has no billets, register billets to close it
BIL_13Wrong format of a billet field content
BIL_14Duplicated integration id
BIL_15You can not schedule a billet after 30 days
BIL_16Billet value must be greater than R$0,00
BIL_17Billet barcode or digitable line are invalid
BIL_18Billet not registered
BIL_19Could not find billet
BIL_20Billet exceeded the payment deadline
BIL_21Billet has already been paid, it is not possible to consult
BIL_22**Billet available for payment
BIL_23Can't schedule payment of overdue billets
BIL_24To pay overdue billets or billets with discount it is mandatory that you first consult the billet data in our API. This way we guarantee the correct amount, updated with fines, interest and discounts. See our documentation for more details.
BIL_25Billet value can not exceed 2 decimal places
BIL_26More than max limit billets have been identified. Try applying more filters and try again.
BIL_27It was not possible to make the payment as the billet has interest or discount. Consult the billet data again to get the updated value.
BIL_28It was not possible to make the payment. Billet was already paid or downloaded.
BIL_29It was not possible to make the payment. Agreement not accepted.
BIL_30Billet with registration discrepancy. Unable to calculate interest/fine.
BIL_31Billet returned by compensation.


  • * Caso queira consultar o limite ou tenha a necessidade de aumentá-lo, contate a Transfeera pelo [email protected].
  • ** Este não é um erro, apenas uma informação.


PIX_1Invalid PIX key type
PIX_2The email must be valid
PIX_3Provided document is not a CPF nor CNPJ
PIX_4The phone number must be valid
PIX_5Provided PIX key already exists
PIX_6Invalid verification code for PIX key
PIX_7PIX key limit exceeded (20)
PIX_8Invalid date format
PIX_9The value must not be lower than R$ 0,00
PIX_10The payer's type must be valid
PIX_11The payer's document is not a CPF or CNPJ
PIX_12The payer's name must be valid
PIX_13The payer's email must be valid
PIX_14The payer's phone number must be valid
PIX_15Pix key not found
PIX_16Unable to send PIX to salary account
PIX_17Invalid date
PIX_18This key is already registered and is in the process of being claimed. You will not be able to register it until the process is finished.
PIX_19You cannot delete keys that are in the claim process. Wait for the process to complete
PIX_20Key status does not allow to start a claim process
PIX_21Key status does not allow to cancel the claim process
PIX_22Key status does not allow to confirm the claim process
PIX_23There is already an ongoing claim process for this key
PIX_24Pix returned
PIX_25After a few attempts, we were unable to send the transfer to the destination bank
PIX_26QRCode data is duplicated
PIX_27QRCode finished, can't be updated
PIX_37The document format is invalid
PIX_38It is not allowed to create fixed value splits for QRCodes when the parameter "value_change_mode" is "MODIFICAVEL"
PIX_39Split(s) value exceeds QRCode value
PIX_40Invalid QRCode value
PIX_41Can't use both withdraw and change fields in the same QRCode
PIX_42Description contains invalid characters
PIX_43Key status does not allow removal
PIX_44Expired end2end id, it cannot be used anymore for transaction processing
PIX_45Duplicated end2end id, it was already used in another transaction ({{duplicatedEnd2endIds}})
PIX_46Pix blocked for refunds because it is associated to a MED in progress
PIX_47Invalid pix key format
PIX_48Pix key was not registered as you can only register 5 keys in your account
PIX_49Pix key of type {{key_type}} is not allowed for your account type
PIX_50Informed Pix key {{key_type}} is divergent from the tax ID of the account owner
PIX_51Limit of Pix key queries in DICT exceeded


Novo formato de códigos de erros (utilizado nas devoluções de cashins Pix e pós processamento de pagamentos)

failedAn error has occurred.
receiver_account_invalidReceiver account is invalid.
receiver_account_type_invalidReceiver account type is invalid.
receiver_account_blockedReceiver account is blocked.
receiver_account_closedReceiver account is closed.
receiver_account_limit_exceededReceiver account limit exceeded.
receiver_account_not_allowed_paymentReceiver account does not allow this type of payment.
receiver_institution_failureTransaction aborted due to failure on receiver institution.
receiver_institution_not_enabledReceiver institution is not enabled within the payment system.
receiver_tax_id_divergentReceiver tax id is divergent with account tax id.
ted_refunded_document_is_divergentTED refunded by bank, CPF/CNPJ is divergent.
invalid_account_type_or_external_payment_not_allowedInvalid account type and/or not allowed to receive external payments.
receiver_institution_qrcode_rejectedQR Code rejected by the receiver institution.
receiver_institution_rejected_paymentRejected by receiver bank.
receiver_tax_id_legal_issuesReceiver document is blocked and can not receive payments.
antifraud_refusedTransaction declined for security reasons.
transfer_failed_after_retriesAfter a few attempts, we were unable to send the transfer to the destination bank.
operation_cancelled_manuallyOperation canceled manually.

HTTP status codes

204No Content
400Requisição inválida
401Não autenticado
403Não autorizado
429Too Many Requests
5xxOcorreu algum erro interno no servidor. Consulte a página de status para mais informações: