
Inscreva-se neste evento através do endpoint de Criar URL.

Todos os eventos são enviados através de uma requisição HTTP/HTTPS POST com o formato JSON no payload.

Seu endpoint precisa retornar um status code de sucesso na resposta, sendo (2xx) um formato válido, assim consideraremos como entregue. Caso contrário, vamos retentar entregar a notificação mais 2 vezes, depois disso, não vamos mais tentar entregar a notificação deste evento.

O exemplo abaixo é um exemplo de um payload de evento que enviamos.


Webhook contendo atualização de informações sobre um recebimento Pix.

  "id": "7d3aae40-6655-4d9a-801b-d0ab7ae906d7",         // Event ID
  "version": "v1",                                      // Event payload schema version
  "account_id": "d95e7630-1b3c-4ac5-991d-d599d75efdd0", // Event digital account id
  "object": "CashIn",                                   // Event object type
  "date": "2019-10-01T17:54:39.000Z",                   // Event date and time
  "data": {                                             // Event Payload
    "id": "7d3aae40-6655-4d9a-801b-d0ab7ae906d7",       // CashIn ID
    "value": 50.54,                                     // CashIn value
    "end2end_id": "E12345asdf123",                      // Cashin end2end ID
    "receipt_file_url": "https://app.com/r/1234",       // Cashin receipt URL
    "txid": "abc123",                                   // CashIn QRCode txid
    "integration_id": "abc123",                         // CashIn QRCode integration id
    "pix_key": "[email protected]",                    // CashIn receiver pix key
    "pix_description": "Some description",              // Open text informed by the CashIn payer
    "payer": {
      "name": "João da Silva",                          // CashIn payer name
      "document": "12312312355",                        // CashIn payer document (CPF / CNPJ)
      "account_type": "CONTA_CORRENTE",                 // CashIn payer account type ("CONTA_CORRENTE", "CONTA_POUPANCA" or "CONTA_PAGAMENTO")
      "account": "12345",                               // CashIn payer account number
      "account_digit": "9",                             // CashIn payer account number verification digit
      "agency": "4321",                                 // CashIn payer account agency
      "bank": {
        "name": "Banco do Brasil",                      // CashIn payer bank name
        "code": "001",                                  // CashIn payer bank code
        "ispb": "00000000"                              // CashIn payer bank ISPB code


Webhook contendo atualização de informações sobre uma devolução recebimento Pix..

  "id": "7d3aae40-6655-4d9a-801b-d0ab7ae906d7",         // Event ID
  "version": "v1",                                      // Event payload schema version
  "account_id": "d95e7630-1b3c-4ac5-991d-d599d75efdd0", // Event digital account id
  "object": "CashInRefund",                             // Event object type
  "date": "2019-10-01T17:54:39.000Z",                   // Event date and time
  "data": {                                             // Event Payload
    "id": "7d3aae40-6655-4d9a-801b-d0ab7ae906d7",       // CashInRefund ID
    "status": "DEVOLVIDO",                              // CashInRefund status ("DEVOLVIDO" or "NAO_REALIZADO")
    "error_code": null,                                 // CashInRefund error code (only present if status="NAO_REALIZADO")
    "error_message": null,                              // CashInRefund error message (only present if status="NAO_REALIZADO")
    "value": 50.54,                                     // CashInRefund value
    "original_end2end_id": "E12345asdf123",             // CashIn original end2end ID
    "return_id": "R12345asdf123",                       // CashInRefund end2end ID
    "integration_id": "abc123",                         // CashInRefund integration id
    "receiver": {
      "name": "João da Silva",                          // CashInRefund receiver name
      "document": "12312312355",                        // CashInRefund receiver document (CPF / CNPJ)
      "account_type": "CONTA_CORRENTE",                 // CashInRefund receiver account type ("CONTA_CORRENTE", "CONTA_POUPANCA" or "CONTA_PAGAMENTO")
      "account": "12345",                               // CashInRefund receiver account number
      "account_digit": "9",                             // CashInRefund receiver account number verification digit
      "agency": "4321",                                 // CashInRefund receiver account agency
      "bank": {
        "name": "Banco do Brasil",                      // CashInRefund receiver bank name
        "code": "001",                                  // CashInRefund receiver bank code
        "ispb": "00000000"                              // CashInRefund receiver bank ISPB code


Webhook contendo atualizações de status de chaves Pix.

  "id": "7d3aae40-6655-4d9a-801b-d0ab7ae906d7",         // Event ID
  "version": "v1",                                      // Event payload schema version
  "account_id": "d95e7630-1b3c-4ac5-991d-d599d75efdd0", // Event digital account id
  "object": "PixKey",                                   // Event object type
  "date": "2019-10-01T17:54:39.000Z",                   // Event date and time
  "data": {                                             // Event Payload
    "id": "61afc88b-4412-4f66-a091-8f8bbda407e1",       // Pix key ID
    "key_type": "EMAIL",                                // Pix key type
    "key": "[email protected]",                             // Pix key
    "status": "REGISTRADA",                             // Pix key status
    "ownership_date": "2020-10-13T14:30:24.000Z"        // Date and time the key became available for use
    "error": null                                       // Error that happened during key registration, if any


Webhook contendo atualizações de status de um recebível de cobrança.

    "id": "1effb11d-4f36-62f5-adc4-348f87bb3a72",
    "date": "2025-03-07T05:05:47.75109041Z",
    "object": "ChargeReceivable",
    "version": "v1",
    "account_id": "1effb5fc-5b05-6fb0-a9c5-5245617c8e4d",
    "data": {
        "id": "1eff5447-a4f9-6ed1-a66d-5a5d379f79d7",
        "amount": 20000,
        "boleto": {
            "id": "1effb5f7-9e91-6cc0-9b5d-fca66819b490",
            "barcode": "20891101200001728640030010000016969104614000",
            "linha_digitavel": "20890030041000001696391046141106110120000172000",
            "identification_number": "1696123"
        "qrcode": {
            "id": "1effb5f7-9e91-6cc0-9b5d-fca66819b490",
            "txid": "gyz6eec2133211c41eb52caa21ec1234",
            "emv_payload": "emv_payload"
        "status": "paid",
        "due_date": "2025-03-06T00:00:00Z",
        "payments": [
                "amount": 20000,
                "paid_with": "boleto",
                "created_at": "2025-03-07T02:05:47.741978-03:00",
                "updated_at": "2025-03-07T02:05:47.741978-03:00",
                "receipt_url": "receipt_url"
        "charge_id": "1effb5fa-81fd-6ca0-a041-f112105d8654",
        "fine_type": null,
        "created_at": "2025-02-27T16:53:13.039432-03:00",
        "updated_at": "2025-03-07T02:05:47.745067-03:00",
        "description": null,
        "external_id": "external_id",
        "fine_amount": null,
        "fine_percent": null,
        "discount_type": null,
        "interest_type": null,
        "discount_dates": null,
        "discount_amount": null,
        "expiration_date": "2025-03-11T00:00:00Z",
        "interest_amount": null,
        "discount_percent": null,
        "interest_percent": null


Webhook contendo atualizações de status de um recebível de cartão de crédito.

  "version": "v1",
  "id": "1effaabc-41ad-6d08-bd2c-178ecbf5e141",
  "account_id": "1ee8fc46-9b53-65b9-8b35-b7e5adfbafab",
  "object": "PayinCardReceivable",
  "date": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.822120093Z",
  "data": {
    "id": "1effaabc-4196-6b43-bd2c-1f36306d8a4c",
    "transaction_id": "1effaabb-f8a1-6c93-bd2c-6e41337c792b",
    "transaction_date": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.81236422Z",
    "status": "scheduled",
    "current_installment": 1,
    "total_installment": 1,
    "gross_amount": 100,
    "net_amount": 96,
    "authorization_code": "",
    "deduction_amount": 4,
    "expected_receive_date": "2025-03-06T00:00:00Z",
    "receive_date": null,
    "canceled_at": null,
    "created_at": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.812654115Z",
    "updated_at": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.81265439Z"


Webhook contendo atualizações de status de um recebimento.

  "version": "v1",
  "id": "1effaabc-4322-6284-af11-6f10ce751e21",
  "account_id": "1ee8fc46-9b53-65b9-8b35-b7e5adfbafab",
  "object": "Payin",
  "date": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.974631302Z",
  "data": {
    "id": "1effaabc-4317-6292-af11-068849698e5c",
    "amount": 100,
    "status": "authorized",
    "payment_method": "credit_card",
    "payment_method_details": {
      "credit_card": {
        "installments": 1,
        "token": null,
        "payer": {
          "tax_id": "63854817002",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phone": "15912341234",
          "name": "Fulano da Silva",
          "address": {
            "street": "Rua Algum Lugar",
            "number": "654",
            "complement": "",
            "district": "Algum Bairro",
            "city": "Cidade",
            "state": "SP",
            "postal_code": "11010010",
            "country": "BR"
        "antifraud_fingerprint_id": "",
        "rejection_reason": ""
    "created_at": "2025-03-06T16:55:03.162589527Z",
    "updated_at": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.836337038Z"


Webhook contendo atualizações de status de um link de pagamento.

  "version": "v1",
  "id": "1effaabc-4314-6486-af11-45a3202509f1",
  "account_id": "1ee8fc46-9b53-65b9-8b35-b7e5adfbafab",
  "object": "PaymentLink",
  "date": "2025-03-06T16:55:10.968948102Z",
  "data": {
    "id": "1eff9e3a-261d-6f21-af11-282ba5ad5690",
    "status": "paid",
    "link": "https://checkout.transfeera.com/aRLFWehGYrXX",
    "payment_methods": [
    "amount": 100,
    "name": "Cobrança XPTO",
    "description": "",
    "created_at": "2025-03-05T14:02:34.899024-03:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-03-06T13:55:10.965624-03:00",
    "expires_at": "2025-03-31T23:59:59.999-03:00",
    "payment_method_details": {
      "boleto": null,
      "credit_card": {
        "max_installments": 24