
Abaixo estão listados os possíveis valores que podem ser retornados no campo error quando uma Iniciação de Pagamento é retornada com o status failed.

account_blockedAccount is blocked.
failedAn error has occurred
payer_approval_expiredOne (or more) approvers did not take action to approve the transaction.
payer_approval_rejectedOne (or more) approvers rejected the transaction.
payer_consent_invalidInvalid consent (status is not authorized or has expired).
payer_institution_failureTransaction aborted due to failure on payer institution.
payer_institution_payment_timeoutTimeout of the payer institution in the payment process.
payer_insufficient_balanceInsufficient balance in the payer account.
payment_timeoutTransaction settlement interrupted due to timeout
receiver_account_closedReceiver account is closed.
receiver_account_invalidReceiver account is invalid.
receiver_account_limit_exceededReceiver account limit exceeded.
receiver_account_not_allowed_paymentReceiver account does not allow this type of payment.
receiver_institution_failureTransaction aborted due to failure on receiver institution.
receiver_institution_rejected_paymentReceiver institution rejected the payment.
receiver_tax_id_divergentReceiver tax id is divergent with account tax id.
receiver_tax_id_legal_issuesReceiver tax id has legal issues.